Saturday, June 14, 2014

We Should Talk About It!

For the past couple months I've basically made a list of the reasons why I think the Olympics should not have been held in Sochi, Russia. Everything from the unsuitable climate and the negative environmental impacts, to the terrorism threats, the moral/political obstacles and the financial burden are challenges associated with hosting an event of this size. I felt it was important to bring the broader perspective of the Games to your attention because the risks, downfalls and discriminatory part of a seemingly positive event isn't usually talked about enough. If society talked about world issues, like the political problems involved with the Olympics, rather than superficial topics, like celebrity crap, situations like those discussed in these blogs can potentially be prevented.

World Cup in Brazil
It’s important to note that not only do these types of issues occur in the Olympics, but they are also involved in other international events. For example, the World Cup has just started in Brazil, and many controversial problems are unfolding. This World Cup is the most expensive yet and it is being financed by the taxpayers. This 12-stadium event costs approximately $11.5 billion and there has been many management issues, resulting in serious financial losses. Protests have taken place because ridiculous amounts of money are being spent on stadiums that will only be used a couple times, when those expenses could have been directed towards improving the serious poverty problem in Brazil (as an example) (1).

In other words, this World Cup in Brazil has been facing issues similar to those of the 2014 Olympics: financial issues, construction delays, disturbed residents, protests, etc. (2). In both cases, I think a big issue is that these problems are being overlooked and covered up. If these complications were acknowledge by the world, I think something better would come from the situation. I feel that with the world watching, the cities and countries would work to fix the problems, rather than work to hide them.

Hopefully the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in South Korea will be less controversial. However, the political tensions between South Korea and North Korea can cause serious problems. Therefore, I suspect that this choice of this future location was not the ideal decision. In summary, I think the location of international events should not be in countries that have political, financial and moral problems.

Let’s stop ignoring these issues, so that the Olympics can truly be about sports!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Paralympics: Discrimination of Disabled People in Russia

Following the two week Olympic Games, the host city must also hold the Paralympics Games and these were held from March 7 until March 17, 2014.

Since the 1980s, Russians have discriminated disabled people. In fact, a Soviet communist party leader in the 1980s said that “In our country, there are no disabled people” (1). That decade was definitely not a good time for athletes with disabilities in Russia because they also were not allowed to participate in the 1980 Summer Olympics. After World War Two, the returning 3 million injured soldiers did not receive a warm welcome as they were excluded from the celebration of the end of the War. They were no longer accepted in their own country even though they sacrificed their mental and/or physical health for their country. Also, disabled people weren't allowed to appear on television until 1987 (1).

The marginalization of the disabled people was so wide spread and cruel in Russia that public services like planes, buses and restaurants were solely for non-handicapped people. Also, measures to accommodate disabled people were never taken. For example, there weren't any ramps, signs for the visually impaired and lifts in Russia. Very few handicapped people have jobs and those who do aren't well paid. Furthermore, women are strongly encouraged to have an abortion if their embryo’s genetic makeup has been found to be defective. Incapacitated people are often thrown in institutions that aren't generally well kept. More often than not, these institutions have not been maintained and have deteriorated.  In some cases fires have occurred in these facilities and at least one hundred people have been killed in the past six years. Thirteen million Russians are disabled. So, it is insane to think that at least 9% of a population is not supported and accepted by their own government and country (1).

Accessing a Russian facility
This year, the same country that has marginalized handicapped people for decades, has welcomed 600 disabled athletes from all around the world. Not only would this be a difficult task for any developed country that has accepted the rights of handicapped people, but, it would be especially difficult for a country with minimal handicap accessible infrastructure to prepare for this major event. Only in 2011, did Russia take measures to develop their health care and education, in light of the Games (invested several million dollars). At the time of the Paralympics, some facilities and infrastructures still were not handicapped accessible, despite the recent improvements in Russia. Therefore, the Russian and international impaired athletes weren't always able to enter facilities without considerable difficulties (1). For instance,
·         ramps weren't easily found
·         the majority of the doorways were raised above ground level
·         the stairways were dangerously inclined and slippery
·         issues occurred with the hotel wheelchair lifts
·         restrooms weren't always convenient and bus drivers didn't know how to use bus lifts (2)

Despite the issues that occurred during the Paralympics, it seems like Russia has come a long way in accepting everybody’s rights equally, at least when Russia was in the media spotlight. However, will these Paralympics be able to fully change the negative opinion of Russia towards supporting disabled people? Will handicapped accessible facilities be made available in all towns, cities and transportation hubs? Or were the health measures recently adopted just used for show so that the world has a better opinion of Russia? Overall, this discrimination is another major reason why I think the Olympics and Paralympics should not have been held in Russia. Historically, this country has been very regressive which is opposite to what these Games should represent: true equality and respect for all individuals.